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To provide an outstanding student experience, underpinned by high quality teaching and learning, resulting in career choices in the IT industry that extend beyond programming / software development and into latest fields like data science, data analytics.


  • To provide effective learning ambiance to gain an excellent skill set to pursue a wide range of careers in the changing and challenging technological world.

  • To help obtain wide-reaching technical skills and knowledge of latest technologies.

  • To facilitate burgeoning researchers in the emerging areas of the discipline.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO):

  • To effectively communicate computing concepts and solutions to bridge the gap between academia and computing industries to initiate and create innovation.

  • Effectively utilize the gained knowledge of computing principles and mathematical theory to develop sustainable solutions to current and future computing problems.

  • To impart graduate attributes with employability skills to face current cut-throat global challenges.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs) :

On the successful completion of the programme, students will be able to

PS01 :   Apply algorithmic principles, and computer science theory in   the  design of  Computer-based systems.


PS02:    Apply higher degree of technical skills in problem solving and application  development.


PS03:Understand the concepts of relational database management which will  include the aspects of database design, query languages and database system implementation.


PS04:Show competence in various programming languages in the development of small to medium-sized application programs that demonstrate professionally acceptable coding and performance standard.


PS05:Ability to learn and use new development tools, software framework and middleware that aid in the development of  software  projects.


PSO6:Demonstrate mastery of Computer Science in the following  core knowledge  areas  Data Structures , Databases Operating Systems, Software Engineering, Computer Architecture, Computer Networks


PSO7:Develop the Modern Web Applications using the Client and Server Side Technologies and the Web Design Fundamentals.


PSO8: Apply the knowledge of GUI and Database programming to develop effective  software solutions needed for the  government organizations and industrial areas.


PSO9: Develop technical and managerial skills needed to be an  effective leader as  an  entrepreneur or in a software concern.


PSO10: An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and  social issues and responsibilities.

College Address:

Name: Bapuji Polytechnic Shabanur

Address: Swamy Vivekananda Extension. Davanagere - 577004, Karnataka, India

Phone : Tele Fax: 08192-262528(0), 262562(R).

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