Bapuji Educational Association (Regd.),
Bapuji Polytechnic Shabanur,(Govt. Aided)
(Approved By AICTE,New Delhi & Affiliated to BTE,Bangalore)

“To provide value based high quality technical education at all time and create innovative and vibrant leaders and entrepreneurs in the field of E & C, so that the students can indulge whole of themselves”.
The above vision is to be realized by scrupulously adhering to the following:
1. To provide with every student meticulous individual attention and to make them to reap the maximum benefits.
2. To provide with industry oriented technical education to students through excellent teaching and learning, interaction with industry and other stake holders.
3. To provide with state of art laboratories to cope with the changing curriculum and trends in the field.
4. To provide with ample opportunities to the students to be inspired by Eminent and expert personalities in various fields, related to curriculum and soft skills.
5. To provide better placement through continuous interaction with industry and alumni.
The graduates of Electronics and Communication Engineering will:
Acquire educational foundation that prepares them for professional careers / higher studies in the field of Electronics & Communication engineering.
Obtain in depth knowledge of the core discipline of Electronics & Communication engineering so that they will be successful in designing newproducts and finding technically sound, cost effective and socially acceptable solutions to engineering problems.
Utilize their knowledge, skills and resources to design, invent and develop novel technology and find creative and innovative solutions to engineering problems in a multidisciplinary work environment.
Develop attitude in lifelong learning, applying and adapting new ideas and technologies as their fleld evolves.
Possess leadership qualities and be effective communicators to work efficiently with diverse teams, promote and practice appropriate ethical practices
PSO1: Apply science, engineering, mathematics through differential and integral calculus; to solve complex electronics and communication engineering problems.
PSO2:Demonstrate proficiency in use of software and hardware required to practice electronics and communication profession.